A woman sitting at the cinema at the Nifff Filmfestival in Neuchatel Switzerland

Photos you can look at if you like


A loose collection of images

colored gas canisters in Hamburg Germany
portrait of a young boy at a garage sale in bern switzerland
a close-up photo of a sticker of two sumo ringers on a wending machine in tokyo japan
a woman reading on a train in japan
outside view in summer of the Museum Schloss Hallwyl in Switzerland
a man playing the piano at the Jazz Jamsession Tuesday Jam at Kultur- und Seminarlokal 5ème Etage in Bern Switzerland
penguin and a person working at the zoo in antwerp belgium
close-up of an illustration of a woman at the Gotthelf Museum in Lützelflüh, Switzerland

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people with beers enjoying the sunset at the rosengarten in bern switzerland